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Post Donation Category: Research

How Does the Brain Keep Calm?

New Insight into Brain Stability: The Key Role of NMDA Receptors Researchers at Tel Aviv University have made a fundamental discovery: the NMDA receptor (NMDAR)—long studied primarily for its role in learning...

biology, Medicine

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Let Them Migrate in Peace

Migratory birds in times of war. Israel, a stopover for over 500 million migratory birds heading to warmer lands, has been at war on multiple fronts for a year. As these birds migrate south, they face not only...

Tel Aviv University

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How Can We See Through Closed Eyes?

Tel Aviv University tech tracks pupil changes in sleep and anesthesia. A new technological development allows for the first time to monitor changes in pupil size and gaze direction behind closed eyes using...


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Can Bats Think Ahead of Time?

TAU researchers discover that bats have episodic memory and plan ahead Researchers at Tel Aviv University tracked free-ranging Egyptian fruit bats from a colony based in the TAU’s I. Meier Segals Garden for...

Life Sciences

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Breaking the MedTech Glass Ceiling

An alumna of TAU’s program for young women entrepreneurs is developing a device that could revolutionize heart disease treatment. Israel’s reputation as “Startup Nation” is well-deserved, but its tech industry...


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Do Viruses Have Consciousness?

Bacteria-Targeting Viruses Adapt, Improving their Decision-Making. Researchers from the Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research at Tel Aviv University have deciphered a novel complex decision-making...

Life Sciences

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A Step Closer to Beating Melanoma?

New study reveals critical insights in fight against skin cancer. A new study conducted at Tel Aviv University and the Sheba Medical Center reveals how melanoma cancer cells affect their close environment...


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The Life-to-Death Digital Continuum

What happens to your Facebook profile when you pass away? The fate of our profiles and data which remain online after we die, or our digital remains, is of increasing importance as we live more of our lives...


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Imagining the Future Patient

Biomedical and technological progress is at the tipping point of transforming medicine into a more precise, proactive science capable of defeating human disease. The 21st century is revolutionizing our...


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“Hope Is Like the Air We Breathe”

The role of hope in supporting mental health. The role of hope in supporting mental health is not sufficiently understood among relevant professionals, according to Dr. Dorit Redlich Amirav of TAU’s Department...


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The Power of Sleep

New study reveals that brain’s coordination between hippocampus and cortex during sleep boosts memory consolidation, offering hope for people with memory impairments. While a good night’s sleep...

Engineering, Medicine

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